Many people are reporting problems installing FS6. On this page you will find information how to solve the problems. I just put public information together. If you still have problems installing the product, please direct your question to Microsoft.

The information at this page isn't updated since april 1997.... Weekly hardware updates can be viewed at my fs98 site....

  • Joystick problems often reported: FS6 doesn't recognize all joysticks. Check if you are using the latest manufacturers W95 drivers!
  • For CH products visit the CH website or download the Virtual Pilot Pro W95 driver or read the CH W95 setup instruction
    • If you own the Sidewinder you will like the installation file to add keystrokes to the buttons. You can do this for all different games on your desktop.
  • If you want to re-install FS6, you may use the file acmsetup.exe in the..:\fltsim6\setup directory and select re-install.
  • Some people report getting the following message when installing FS6: Setup could not open the file <CD-ROM drive>:\FS6\PANELS\COMP4-I.PIX Abort? Retry? Ignore? This message appears for about 40 different files which have a dash (-) or tilde (~) in them. I'm not sure why this happens - lots of theories abound. It can be solved by this revised version of the INF file from Mark Moore. Read the documentation first!
  • Minimum system requirements are 486/66 with 8Mb and double speed CDROM. I tested the program on this and it runs indeed. Frame rate isn't so bad at all. All scenery options ON with very dense scenery gives still 3,5 frames a second flying over London. Frame rate on a 486/100 with 16Mb is very acceptable. Only use of the menu's takes hours..... But this has more to do with the fact that WIndows95 isn't supposed to run smoothly on a 486/66....
    • Switching the flying area takes a looong time is you are using a 2x CD-ROM. You can best install the whole 145Mb stuff or buy an 8 speed CD-ROM.
  • Installing Europe I or II can give some problems. You definitely need to install the official Europe I and II patch.
  • There are several way's to use fs5 scenery: First you can just link FS6 to the old FS5 scenery directory's and it just picks up you previous files, second, you can reinstall the scenery's and third, read the instructions in the special (scnsetup) directory on the CDROM. It includes a kind of patch.
  • If you don't like the opening menu before entering FS6: Just click on the "show startup menu" button in the preferences menu to get rid of it.
    • And if you don't like the "Microsoft" video at startup anymore you only need to rename the video file. It can be found in the main :/fltsim6 directory with the name "mslogo.avi". If you rename this file into mslogo.xxx you will not see the video anymore and FS6 starts up much faster.
  • If you want fs6 to remain active when you are switching to another application you can active a "pause on task switch" box for this in the preference menu. Default setting is that FS6 pauses when switching to another window.
  • Is your Advanced Weather Dialogue option ON in the preference menu? This makes it possible to create user-defined clouds and winds.
  • Tired of the Meigs startup situation? On the same page click on select flight to select another startup situation.
  • If you can't slew fast enough try to slew using your joystick. If that isn't sufficient then change the sensitivity setting in the controls menu.(make the aileron more sensitive)
  • Many people are getting kernel32.dll errors. This error occurs because the file world.vis seems to get corrupted for some strange reason every now and then. You can best prevent problems by saving a copy of world.vis in a separate directory. If you get the error, just replace the 'used' world.vis file by the back-upped one. The same stands for the panelset.fs6 file that can get corrupted.
  • If you are using NT4.0 you may suffer problems installing Europe I and II patch. You need to do the following: install fs6 normally, Copy the whole bunch to a Windows 95 platform. Install Europe I and II and patch, copy the whole buch bach to the NT 4.0 platform.
  • Microsoft opened his official FSFW95 site ........
  • If you know more hints, please inform me
  • MMX?
      Do I need to buy an Intel MMX based Motherboard and Processor to run FS6 smoother? That is a question that will be asked often, the next few months. I gathered some questions and answers about this issue. You can read these in this section.

    My first conclusion of this is that you better don't buy this product at this moment if you only want to buy it for FS6:

    1. MMX will give you about 10-15% more speed, but as FS6 is not written in MMX code, it will not take full advantage of this product. Intel claims a 50-60% advantage when software is compiled using MMX code.

    2. Later this year MMX based motherboards will be released using better chipsets and in the fourth quarter of 1997 the release of the very fast AGP graphics bus is expected.

    I found the following six statements on the Internet:

    1. Well, the longer you wait, the cooler the hardware will get. :-)I'd base
    it on how slow what you have now is, and how desperate you are for an
    upgrade. The Pentium Pro with MMX (code-name Klamath) is currently slated for
    April release. From the buzz I hear from sources close to Intel, this
    will be a very hot chip, one that promises to be more than just a PPro
    with new instructions.

    However, I'm going to hold off until the fourth quarter for my upgrade,
    because the other hot thing in the works is the AGP graphics bus. This
    is a fast local bus that will take video off the PCI bus, getting rid of
    one of the biggest graphics bottlenecks and allowing for some amazing
    graphics performance. By 4Q 97 Klamath, AGP, and some hot new AGP cards
    including the Intel/Lockheed-Martin chip should be available.

    If I needed an upgrade right now, I'd go for something decent but not
    too expensive -- say, a fast Pentium motherboard with a Rendition or
    3dfx card -- and plan on going Klamath/AGP around the end of the year.
    (Or you could buy a Klamath and then replace the motherboard
    with an AGP model later in the year.)

    Beware of the current Pentium MMX Motherboards and
    supporting chip-sets.
    The current MMX Motherboards will NOT support:-
    1. Synchronous DRAM (only EDO or fast-page)
    2. AGP
    3. 33MBps hard-disk access, which may bother the "power-video"
    The limitation is the 440FX chip-set, which will be updated to
    the 440LX in June 1997. These don't plug-in either -- fine-pitch
    surface-mount soldered, so a Motherboard (and memory)
    swap is necessary.
    So you may not want to hurry out and buy your MMX machine
    or motherboard right now, unless you are a 486 or sub-100MHz
    Pentium owner.
    The MMX Overdrive processors (plug-in replacements for your
    current Pentium) and up to 200MHz are due 4Q97. Also, the very
    interesting Cyrix M2 plug-in replacement is expected to be
    available around the same time.

    Actually, AGP is not "a true pentium local bus". AGP is a modified 32
    bit 66 MHz PCI bus, with an option of 133 MHz transfers. It will have a
    different connector than PCI and will in most cases only be used for the
    graphics card. Intel will NOT produce any chipset for Pentium that
    supports AGP, but the 440LX chipset for the upcoming PPro MMX (Klamath)
    will support AGP. Expect to see Klamath systems with AGP in the second
    half of this year.
    The new Microsoft 3D hardware standard is the "Talisman" architecture.
    Talisman is designed to minimize the bandwidth requirement and will NOT
    need AGP in its reference design. However, Microsoft is working with
    Intel on a host-based version of Talisman where more work will be done
    by the CPU; this version will probably need AGP.

    "To shoehorn the added capabilities into the existing Pentium die
    size, Intel had to make a few compromises. MMX CPUs cannot execute MMX
    and floating point instructions at the same time... But a handful of
    applications that switch frequently between floating-point and MMX
    operations could run slower on MMX Pentiums than on non-mmx Pentiums."

    I've been using 2 systems for FS6/95. Both are Dell 200 Pentium (one
    with MMX one without) / 32M SDRAM / 512K Cache / #9-332 Video Card /
    Sony 8X CDROM. Results:
    NO MMX / 26 to 45 frames per second
    MMX / 19 to 33 frames per second

    Does anyone else have any additional data on this topic? By the way the
    floating-point performance is down about 20% in the MMX system using
    SPEC FP and down by 23% using Ziff Davis FP benchmarks.

    Your going to see an immediate increase (at least with Dell), Besides it's
    larger cache and other hardware improvements in the system to take
    advantage of the processor, the MMX chips "Talks" better to hardware. The
    problem is that FS 6 does not have MMX instructions!

    If you want to know more about MMX you can visit Intel's MMX site.

      Some Questions and answers read in the microsoft.public.simulators newsgroup.
    Answers by Sindar (MS) and dedicated FS6 users.
    Q.I recently purchased and installed Flight Simulator for Win 95, and
    after calibrating my joystick successfully several times, the planes
    (Cessna 182 and Learjet) all have a constant bank to the left. I
    noticed that the aileron indicator on the dash also indicates that the
    ailerons are left of center, even with the planes on the ground with the
    engine off.

    A. Try and set your joystick sensitivity settings to a lower level in
    Options/Preferences/Controls. Also you may want to decrease the level
    for the null zone. These problems most of the time are due to incorrect drivers
    and/or incorrect sensitivity/null zone settings.
    Q.After install the refresh rate changed and the Number 9
    Hawkeye utility no longer has a tab for setting the refresh rate. I am
    using the latest drivers available from number 9.

    A.You may want to reinstall your latest #9 drivers. You see, when FS95
    is installed your video drivers are being replaced by DirectX drivers.
    Q.I'm using the Microsoft Sidewinder Joystick. It has two buttons and
    throttle capability. The buttons work for the brakes and gear, but the
    throttle will not work. How do I get this feature to work properly?

    A.In control Panel\Joystick, make sure you have selected "3-axis, 2-buttons
    joystick" Recalibrate if necessary.
    Q. I doubt if I have optimal frame rates
    Two answers:
    A1.In response to your questions here is what I have tried to resolve the
    framerate dilemna.
    1. Removed all TSR's including, Norton AntiVirus, MS System Agent and Norton
    CrashGuard. Maybe added 1fps.
    2. Always run at 640X480X256.
    3. Not sure about fonts. Got lots of fonts with PrintShop, Hallmark,
    CreataCard, and MS Office. Havn't tried uninstalling them. Is there an easy
    way to uninstall and reinstall them to check. Seems like something is really
    wrong in Denmark if fonts can effect game frame rate.
    4. Reinstalled DirectX 2.0 and Matrox Drivers. Installed DirectX 3.0 and
    Matrox Drivers. No change.
    5. Lowering Dynamic Scenery to sparse I think is good for as much as 2fps.
    A2. If you are using a ATI videocard go into View/View Options/Instrument
    Panel/ and disable Display Non Rectangular Control
    Panel....After doing this I went from 2.5 to almost 20 fps and can now finally run
    this program! Even starting the program without changing the resolution I normally use
    Q. FS6 is stuttering, that means the simulation stops for a second or so every now and then.....
    A. Tired of stuttering? You need to do the following
    1) If you want to make the change, go to Explorer and create a directory
    inside your flight sim directory. Call it BOOSTERS.
    2) Copy your most heavily used area from your CD to your hard drive, ie:
    Drag the CD-ROM directory D:\BOOSTERS\NAMERICA into your new
    hard drive BOOSTERS directory. In this case, using North America,
    you will need 50MEG. Yes, thats FIVE-OH, Fifty.Big.Ones.
    3) Start FS6. Go into your favorite flying area and cruise around at low
    altitude. Note your frame rate (SHIFT-Z four times) and any stutter you
    may have.
    4) Go to WORLD | SCENERY LIBRARY Click OK as if you know what you are doing.;)
    5) Click PERFORMANCE and highlight the area you copied to your hard drive.
    6) Click EDIT. At the bottom of the screen, you will see SOURCE PATH. This
    now is pointing to your CDROM. Change the path to your new BOOSTERS
    directory. ie: C:\FS6\BOOSTERS\NAMERICA or whatever your path is...
    7) Turn OFF the "CACHE ACTIVE" light.
    8) Click OK 3 times and you're back to your flight. At this point, shut down
    FS6 and restart.....
    9) Start it up again and fly more smoothly. If you don't like the effect,
    just change the booster path back to your CD-ROM, enable the CACHE ACTIVE
    light and restart. You can then delete your hard drive BOOSTERS directory.
    Your mileage may vary and I am not responsible, just like Microsoft, for any
    bad things that happen. I will take credit, like Microsoft, for any good
    things you may experience.
    Q.Help me please - Europe 1 from Apollo locks up after few minutes flying.
    Turning dynamic scenery off does not help.
    Could the Apollo patch resolve lockups I experience in freeware scenery?
    Right now, FSFW95 completely locks up to often in the vicinity of
    airports (using several share/freeware sceneries)

    A.A lot of 3rd party sceneries will run without any problem in FS95, on
    the other hand, a lot of them won't. You may want to download the file
    FEPATCH.EXE from Microsoft's Flight Simulator Web page and see if that
    patch solves some or all of your problems. If it doesn't, the best
    thing to do is to contact the author(s) of the file(s) in question and
    see if an upgrade for those specific file(s) are in progress.
    Q. I can't use the buttons of CH VPP (Virtual Pilot Pro)
    A. The following setup (in fltsim95.cfg file) might help those having problems with the buttons on
    CH VPP.
    These are my own settings which amongst others give me TRIM CONTROL from
    the yoke.
    Looking at the yoke from the front the red buttons do the following:-

    1st button (on left) GEAR up/down
    2nd button ditto Flaps up
    3rd button ditto Trim up
    4th button (on right nearest to center) Trim down
    5th button (on right) Flap down
    6th button (on right) Brakes

    The left hat switch switches between the various nav frequencies.
    The right hat switch sets the 'views'.

    Notice that the 2nd line reads LOCKED=0 Make sure to to this otherwise
    your yoke will resort to the default settings each time you start FS6.

    I hope these will help you.

    Q.For a little bit of realism, after landing the learjet and taxiing to a
    terminal building, I decided to switch off the engines (using
    CTRL+SHIFT+F1), before saving the flight.
    Later I reloaded the flight and attempted to start the engines (FS95 help
    says something about pressing the J key and then using the PLUS sign or
    MINUS sign to toggle) to no avail. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?

    A.You should first start the fuel flow (Ctrl-Shift-F4) and then start
    the engines with J1 and J2.
    Q.Has anyone else out there noticed that the ILS at certain airports
    appears to be misaligned? At Champaign/Urbana, it appears to be fine,
    but at O'Hare and St. Louis it appears to be aimed about 3-5 degrees to
    the left of the actual runway heading. The touchdown point is correct,
    however. Anyone know if Microsoft plans to release a fix?

    A.You will find that at some airports/runways the localiser beams indeed
    are offset a couple of degrees. This is caused by using outdated data by Microsoft....:

    Many US charts are in the process of being updated for Mag
    Var changes, and many of the runway headings shown on US charts have not
    been updated for the Mag Var changes, while the ILS localizer headings
    have. When MS followed these charts, they programmed into FS95 ILS
    offsets that do not exist "in the real world." I have confirmed this
    for several US airports, and created a replacement BGL for the Seattle
    area airports to fix these erroneous offsets. MS has acknowledged the
    problem, but gives no indication of what they plan to do to fix it. My
    work with the Seattle BGL indicates that the fix is not all that hard,
    but MS is acting like it may be too hard to do anything before FS7! For
    now, if users what ILS's to be "as real as it gets," they are going to
    have to fix them themselves. (Thanks to Basil Copeland)