Imagine sitting in front of your monitor at say Cleveland
International. You look left and watch as a United 737 pulls back from
the gate. "United 212, taxi to runway 05R and hold short" you hear through
your headphones. "Air New Zealand 121 (my call sign), please amend your
flightplan to FL220, taxi to rwy 05R behind the United 737 ......number
2". "FL220 and number 2 behind the United 737 .......... 121" I reply
through voice comms and follow the 737 in front of me. As we both hold
in position we watch as a 747 comes in to land. "Westwind 339 cleared
to land ....... surface winds 065, 11 knots, gusting 18, United 212
line up behind the 747 on 3 miles final" we hear the Tower Controller
say. It is as interactive as that, no getting away from it. I am using
a beta version of Squawkbox that allows me to see the exact aircraft
around me and to change my voice comms and talk to an available controller
at the click of a button. And whilst I am happy to report that this
works 100% for FS98, I can tell you that with the exception of multiplayer,
it works 100% with FS2K. I hear that the multiplayer problems with FS2K
have more or less been sorted out now and an update to Squawkbox is
not that far away (and no, I do not have a date.) But in the meantime
99% of the Squawkbox functions including real weather updates work fine.
For those that are interested, here is what you need to get the most
out of this superb programme and whilst Squawkbox is the main programme,
there are a few other goodies to help you along and maximise your enjoyment.
A guide to getting everything you need and running it effectively
with your sim. So many people have been asking where they can
get an ATC programme for their sim, it would be worthwhile to
spend a little time on putting this info together so that you
can enjoy what is perhaps THE group of programmes that DOES make
flying with Flight Simulator "as real as it gets". And what's
more .......IT"S FREE ! If you are interested read on and follow
the links for EVERYTHING you need to get this programme to work
in both FS98 and FS2K. Believe me, once you have tried flying
with Squawkbox, you will see that the other "scripted" programmes
just do not compare and pale in comparison.
Go to The
International Virtual Pilots Association and register
as a Pilot to use the servers. Registration is free and currently
there are over 12,000 members. Registration does take a
couple of days, but you will receive a pilot id and password
to access the world-wide servers. Register before Tuesday.
You will have your ID active at Wednesday. If you register
at Wednesday you will have to wait for another week as the
organization updates the server information once a week. |
Follow this
link and download SQUAWKBOX. Squawkbox (SB) interfaces
with your flightsim and is the link to your real-time ATC
communications. (The controllers use a programme
called Pro-Controller.
If you are 'just'a Pilot you don't need Procontroller. Controllers
need to register
here.) Squawkbox also provides realweather updates,
ACARS and TCAS and a superb Flight Management System that
can hook into your autopilot. With this, you can load a flightplan
(see step 4) and with a little research include SIDS and STARS.
* You will notice on the download page that it says that SB
is not compatible with FS2K, this has now been resolved with
the new .dll listed below.* |
FSUIPC.DLL This module allows you to run FS2K with Squawkbox
and is necessary to get the thing running smoothly (including
real-time weather updates). Copy the included FSUIPC.dll file
into you fs2000/modules folder. |
Go to
Enrico Schiratti's site and download WHAZZUP. This programme
allows you to see who is online and where so you can go and
join in the fun. It shows who is flying and which controllers
are available (including those that have voice support) and
also allows you select a flightplan to use with Squawkbox.
A couple of points to note. A controller using voice will
have a _V_ prefix, such as NZWN_V_CTR (New Zealand Wellington
Voice Control). If the controller's callsign is NZWN_CTR then
you will receive and send your instructions via text rather
than voice. Many areas now have voice support (see step 5)
with for instance my area Satpac (Pacific) almost exclusively
on voice control. If you do not have voice facilities do not
worry as you can still use text. Other areas with a large
degree of voice comms support include Europe, South America,
Cleveland, Indy, New York and it is growing. As I said, WHAZZUP
will also allow you to make a Squawkbox ready flightplan for
anywhere in the world, so it also acts as a flightplanner.
Just remember to save the flightplan in your Squawkbox directory.
You will use this to obtain clearance from the controller
before you depart. |
Download the free ROGER
WILCO voice communications interface. This allows you
to talk and listen to the controllers (and pilots in that
area) who are using voice support.
Some areas are also using a voice comms package called
available fromThe cost of registering this product is
US$5, but it appears that Roger Wilco will be the accepted
package for use with Squawkbox (I think).
More information about using your voice can be found
Read ALL the instructions. Everything is there
to get you up and running and interfaced correctly with both
FS98 and FS2K. |
You may find that SB is a little slow loading with FS2K, at least
that is my experience and I assume this is due to the load on
the cpu. Just have a little patience. If you are using FS2K, click
the bottom box "Do not use multiplayer" on the opening screen
of SB until the new release comes out. Again, if you are using
FS2K, clear your weather and type .wx (airport code) in the comms
area of SB and it (SB) will then continually update the weather
for you as you fly along your route. I also remember that when
I first used Squawkbox, I did feel a little "perplexed or bamboozled"
with this great package and even a little "apprehensive" about
my piloting skills online, but I quickly learnt that everyone
is in this together and also very helpful and keen to help others
learn. So all I can say, is jump in and try it .......... it really
will make your flightsim experience many times better and to top
it off, you will be learning something. Hope this has helped and
if any more in-depth info is needed, only too willing to help.
Contributed by Dave B NZ121
Additional software:
(582Kb) : It is a preflight tool for PC Controllers and SB Pilots
with a graphic representation of the Controllers and Pilots lists
found on the Satnet and IVAO web pages. Controllers are shown
with a circle or FIR/ARTCC sector, Flightplans are shown as great
circle route. The world map is a fully zoomable Map and there
is a "Friends List" as well. By Enrico
Schiratti. If you never used SB or Procontroller just download
the file, place the files into a new folder and run the program
when you are connected to the internet. You will see a worldmap
with all active aircraft enroute!